Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Proclamation Record

After having served on City Council for over seven years, I can factually say I have never seen so many proclamations at meeting as I have tonight. Mayor Mike Simpson nevers lowed down as he read each one and recognized every group. The Boy scouts and their many recognitions won hands down with numbers, but all the groups are to be commended. The council chambers were full with the friends and family members of those being recognized.

The record number of proclamations is an indicator of the type of community we live in. The quest for excellence and accomplishment is very telling of the type of citizens we have living in Frisco. What it is yet another Eagle Scout, or an award for community service; we are fortunate to live in Frisco.

A presentation was also given titled The Looming Transportation Crisis. The presentation discussed the age of our road system along with other transportation issues.

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