Monday, October 6, 2008

Never a free minute

It seems that life is so busy lately, blogging and the newsletter have really fallen behind. I will try and do better, but being Mayor seems to consume all your free time (right about now, Simpson is rolling his eyes thinking "I have been telling you this for years :-) ).

Many of you know that I was on a two week trip to China. No, it was not a vacation, but more of a dual-purpose. As I mentioned in previous newsletters, I am finishing my EMBA at the University of Texas at Arlington. It has been a wonderful experience and I will continue my education. As I have said before, I am a believer in life-long learning and I love sharing my knowledge with others and also learning from them. The many times I give presentation to elementary, middle and high school students, I tell them of the importance of life-long learning. What better way to explain that to them than to show them what I am doing. If you are interested in my trip, you can take a look at pictures and blog that I maintained during the 2-week period. Visit the blog HERE.

Of course, I was told the jet-lag when I returned would be terrible. I got home around 10PM Wednesday evening and I had to wake up early to go to City Hall and prepare for the Public-Private Partnerships Making the Economics of Sustainability Work Symposium. Former Mayor Kathy Seei helped facilitate this sustainability symposium at the University of Texas at Arlington. I joined Arlington Mayor Cluck and Fort Worth Mayor Moncrief in a 3-panel presentation. You can read the story on the Frisco Enterprise Web Site.

My jet-lag did not show itself that day (Thursday), but let me tell you, Friday and Saturday were a killer. I had several functions to attend and I must have looked like someone who has not slept in a week!

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