Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wakeland High School Varsity Girls Basketball Team Proclamation

WHEREAS,         The Wakeland High School Varsity Girls Basketball team was founded in 2006; and

WHEREAS,         The Wakeland High School Girls Basketball program is led by Head Coach Darilyn Krempin, Varsity Assistant Coach Jenny Mills, Junior Varsity Coach Megan Schniers, and Freshman Coach Brooklynn Spring; and

WHEREAS,         The Wakeland High School Varsity Girls Basketball team consists of Seniors: Madison Frihart, Jasmine Patterson, Jackie Patterson, Ravyn Terry; Juniors: Terrionne Barrett, Haley Texada, Kara Washington, Ra’Kia Waters, Kristina Williams; Sophomores: Faith Hunt, Danielle Westerfield, and Freshman Kindell Texada; and

WHEREAS,         The Wakeland High School Varsity Girls Basketball team also includes Managers: Chelsea Rohde, Sydney Heflin; Trainers: Mathu Allen, Tysha Beaty; Student Trainers: Zach Coke and Chelsea Owen; and

WHEREAS,                   The Wakeland High School Varsity Girls Basketball team on their road to the 4A State Championship game in the playoffs defeated the defending champions and 5 other teams to compete in the 4A State Championship game in March ending their outstanding season with an overall record of 30 wins and only 7 losses.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Maher Maso, Mayor of the City of Frisco, Texas do hereby proclaim April 20th, 2010 as



And encourage all citizens to congratulate them for their dedication, determination and outstanding season. Go Wolverines!!

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