Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Panther Creek Parkway now Open

This morning at 9:30, I had the pleasure of saying a few words and then driving down Panther Creek Parkway in west Frisco as the first car! I chose to use the Frisco's Prius hybrid car to show how much of an impact that Panther Creek will have on our environment and gas savings for our taxpayers. I hope that Panther Creek will make a huge impact on the drive-time of our citizens in West Frisco. By avoiding the intersection of Teel and Eldorado, the savings in gas and time should be considerable. Eldorado widening will take 18-24 months to complete, so Panther Creek is just in time.

This project was a true team effort. The landowners, including the Newman's, Fields, Christie, Berlin's and Mercedes Homes all quickly contributed Right-of-Way to make this project a reality. Our citizens allocated bond money and our engineering department engineered this project in an unheard of record time. From the original go-ahead by Council to opening was 12 months - which is approximately 1/3 the usual time it takes.

I applaud everyone involved for making this happen for our citizens. With an original target date of August, we are one month early on opening. Panther Creek Parkway is a four-lane divided roadway that has twice the capacity of Eldorado. It is now easier for our citizens to get to their homes, school and work in Northwest Frisco. A job well done to everyone involved for improving the quality of life for our citizens. Less time on the road, more time with the families!

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